Season 2 - Episode19: Hai Do - A Story of the American Dream, Fearlessness and Never Accepting Life’s Barriers. Part 1

Hai Do grew up in the middle of the Vietnam war, escaped Saigon when the city fell, and survived a harrowing journey on an overcrowded boat on the South China Sea. Instead of giving into fear, he used these harsh lessons to forge a life and career that has taken full advantage of all America has to offer. This episode focuses on his life in Vietnam, his family’s courageous escape, and his arrival in the United States. It’s a story of courage, determination and ultimately triumph.

Bonus - Click here for a short video on Fort Indiantown Gap where Hai and his family were sent when they reached the United States.


Season 2 - Episode 20: Hai Do - A Story of the American Dream, Fearlessness and Never Accepting Life’s Barriers. Part 2


Season 2 - Episode18: Chanta Howard Wilkinson - President, Lewes Public Library, Attorney, on Loving What You Do