Season 2 - Episode 21: Richard Martin - A Lewes Legend on Fish Hunting, Free Diving, the Apollo Program, and Setting World Records

Richard Martin doesn’t wait for fish. He dives for them, armed only with a spear gun, knife, and the air in his lungs. For over seven decades, Richard has fished underwater around the country, side by side with sharks, jellyfish, and species ready to fight back. He also helped design, build, and test the spacesuits worn by the astronauts during the Apollo Program. A funny, candid, remarkable reminiscence from a man who grabbed life and yanked it to him, just as he did the fish he caught.

Bonus Click here for two more stories from Richard. The first involves having to model a spacesuit off the floor of the U.S. Senate and some complications that arose. The second involves an astronaut who needed a little reminder that the Apollo program was a team effort.


Season 2 - Episode 22: Russ Palmer - Finding a Way to Successfully Balance Work, Family, and Community


Season 2 - Episode 20: Hai Do - A Story of the American Dream, Fearlessness and Never Accepting Life’s Barriers. Part 2